The National Scientific Centre (NSC) “Institute of metrology” performs works on the National Metrological Attestation (NMA) of the Automated Systems of Commercial Accounting of Electric power (ASCAE) which consist of measuring channels, incl. telemechanic, which consist of: measuring current and voltage transformers, multifunction electric counters, routers, communication and connection systems facilities, gathering servers, databases, and also a work station for electric power accounting, management and control of system status), applied when carrying out the gathering and processing the data of commercial accounting of electric power, also intended for:

  • automation of functions of electric power accounting at the industrial objects;
  • automation of functions of compiling the electric power balance;
  • construction of actual load diagrams in day, month, year time intervals at various systems of tariffs;
  • preparation of report documents on electric power accounting. 

National Scientific Centre (NSC) “Institute of metrology” carries out the given National Metrological Attestation at the presence of exploitative documents for ASCAE and measurement facilities, which make part of measuring channels.

Also, National Scientific Centre (NSC) “Institute of metrology” carries out periodical, inspectoral, expert and extraordinary verifications of ASCAE.