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Reporting corruption

Notification of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offences, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" in NSC "Institute of Metrology" can be made through the following notification channels:

1) in writing through an authorized person;

2) to the e-mail box: anticorruption(at)metrology.kharkov.ua

3) by means of postal communication to the address: str. Myronosytska, 42, Kharkiv, 61002;

4) during the personal reception of citizens by the general director of the "Institute of Metrology";

5) by phone number +380 57 700-34-04


By order of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption dated August 31, 2023 No. 190/23, the information and communication system "Unified whistleblower notification portal" was put into permanent (industrial) operation from 00:00 00:00 on 09/06/2023. https://whistleblowers.nazk.gov.ua/#/


Regulations on the procedure for organizing work with reports of corruption in the NSC Institute of Metrology and formation of a culture of reporting possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"  [Read more...]

Procedure for managing corruption risks  [Read more...]

Regulations on the working group on the assessment of corruption risks [Read more...]

Provisions on the approval of the Provisions on the procedure for conducting anti-corruption checks of business partners [Read more...]

Anti-corruption program of the National Scientific Center "Institute of Metrology" [Read more...]

Memo to the employees of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" regarding the procedure for reporting corruption and protecting whistleblowers [Read more...]

Memo to the employees of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" regarding the procedure for conflict of interest settlement [Read more...]

Memo to the employees of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" regarding compliance with the requirements, restrictions and prohibitions established by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"" [Read more...]


Order No. 155 dated 06.11.2023 "On conducting an assessment of corruption risks at the NSC "Institute of Metrology"" [Click here]

Order No. 159 dated 13.11.2023 "On the formation of a working group on the assessment of corruption risks at the NSC "Institute of Metrology" [Click here]

Order No. 175 dated 30.11.2023 "On the approval of the plan of measures for assessing corruption risks at the NSC "Institute of Metrology" [Click here]

Information on the monitoring and assessment of the state of implementation of measures to eliminate corruption risks as of May 30, 2024 [Read more...]


Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1700-18 

Anti-corruption strategy for 2021-2025 https://nazk.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Antykoruptsijna-strategiya-na-2021-2025-rr.pdf

ISO 37001:2016 https://wiki.nazk.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/22.-ISO-37001_2016_ukr.pdf

Order of the NAZK dated August 31, 2023 #190/23 https://dap.nazk.gov.ua/uploads/osr-85/zahid-99/zahid-progress-1967/organ-148/136-303891478-653a6aecc7d90.pdf

Knowledge base https://wiki.nazk.gov.ua/

Sanction lists https://sanctions.nazk.gov.ua/sanction-lists/

Methodological materials https://wiki.nazk.gov.ua/category/prevention/anticcoruption-upovnovazhenym/organizatsiya-ta-koordynatsiya-antykoruptsijnoyi-diyalnosti/metodychni-materialy/ 

Activity algorithm https://wiki.nazk.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Finmonitoring.pdf

Test for identifying a conflict of interests https://nazk.gov.ua/uk/test-na-vyyavlennya-konfliktu-interesiv/

Test for resolving the conflict of interests of the manager https://nazk.gov.ua/uk/test-na-vregulyuvannya-konfliktu-interesiv-dlya-kerivnyka/

Methodological recommendations on the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in the activities of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, and persons equated to them https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/v0002884-16