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Seminar "Metrology in Chemistry - Implementing the technical requirements of ISO 17025"

On 18 - 20, November, the Scientific-practical workshop "The Metrology in Chemistry. The Realization of Technical Requirements ISO/IEC 17025".

The workshop was carried out by specialists of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM, Belgium).

The seminar was attended by 29 metrologists from the leading research institutions and industrial enterprises of Ukraine and four foreign experts from Jordan, Egypt, Macedonia and Romania.

The workshop discussed were various aspects of chemical metrology and general metrological issues such as traceability in chemistry, validation (inspection) of measurement procedures, internal quality control, interlaboratory comparisons, estimation of the measurement uncertainty, ect. Presentations were followed by practical exercises, tests, and studing workshop of the particular case of the chemical measurements and the problems of the working practices of the participants.

For the purpose of the mission of JRC-IRMM, is involring the promotion of spreading of common and reliable European measurement system in support of EU policies, the workshop was held at a high level and contributed to the rapprochement and cooperation of Ukraine with the leading metrology organizations of the European Union.